I've just been given a You Make My Day Award by
Alison....(Thanks so much, Alison!)
The rules are:Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on
Susan - Afford Your Passions....A gorgeous girl I met in Utah at the SB Retreat who is Aussie and her parents live in the same town as me!
Carol - Garden Of Stitches....Inspires me greatly with her superfast stitching and beautiful finishing
Katrina - The Needle's Promise....Katrina does lovely stitching and am so happy to be in a RR with her.....
Deb - Lavender Rose Ramblings....Love Deb's posts! We both love Marie Antoinette!
Vonna - The Twisted Stitcher....A fantastic blog to read! What a wonderful stitcher you are!!!! And your finishing - just to die for
Mayté - MagicXstitch....Inspires me with her stunning stitching! You have to see the back of her work, absolutely the same as the front!!! Amazing!
Tempus Figit - Just check out this blog and you will see why it's on my list!! LOL
Mel - Stitches With Camels....Mel does lovely stitching, a true inspiration and we are Facebook friends!
Twinkle Pink....Gotta Love anything girly and vintage!
Lena - Homespun Hearts....Very inspiring blog! Love the finishing, simply divine
Thank you for your kind words and the award...I *really* appreciate it and you made my day first thing in the morning now! :)
You've chosen some lovely ladies here and most of them I consider my dear friends! How cool is that about living in the same town as Susan's parents...I live about 4 hours from Susan and it is my hope that someday we meet officially!
Aren't you sweet! Thank you so much. You definitely made my day :-).
Thank you, Georgie! You made my day, too!
You make my day everyday
Thanks everyone for all the wonderful, inspiring work and blogging you do! Keep it up
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